Dec 17, 2022

What is Mental Health Literacy?

Mental health literacy is having knowledge about mental disorders by recognizing specific mental disorders, their cause, and knowledge of how to access mental health services. According to Anthony Jorm, a pioneer of mental health literacy:

Mental health literacy is not simply a matter of having knowledge (as might be conveyed in an abnormal psychology course). Rather it is a knowledge that is linked to the possibility of action to benefit one’s own mental health or that of others.

Mental health literacy consists of several components which were created to overcome growing obstacles to mental health and address social stigma and prejudice. These components include:

1. Recognizing Mental health disorders such as signs and symptoms

2. Knowledge of risk factors: knowing what factors put individuals at greatest risk for specific mental health disorders

3. Knowledge of self-treatment: knowing how someone can help themselves 

4. Knowledge of how to seek and access mental health information

Did you know that 50% of Mental Health illness starts at 14?

Through my research, I realized mental health disorders are a huge issue for the youth.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “3.1 million teens suffer from mental health issues yearly.” There are more statistics such as, “1 in 12 teens with a mental disorder attempt suicide”. These stats are disturbing, hence why it’s important to educate our teens about mental health and show them how they can access help.


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